The Harlem Heights Community Charter School is committed to enrolling a diverse student population and shall abide by the provisions in the Florida Educational Equity Act, Section 1000.05(2)(a), and Florida Statutes that forbid discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, gender, marital status, ethnicity, or disability. Students are accepted on a first come, first served basis, unless the number of applications exceeds the number of seats available in any class.

Application Process

Open enrollment for the upcoming school year will be from January 1- March 30 of each school year. Applications can be picked up at the school, printed from the website, emailed or US post office mailed via a request from the parent. Once an application is filled out and returned, it will be date/time stamped and assigned a number. After priority admission, if the number of applicants remaining is less than the number of seats available for any grade level, all applicants are admitted. In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of available spaces in a given grade level, the school will hold a random lottery to determine admission. Only applications received prior to the end of the enrollment deadline are eligible to participate in the lottery.

An application for admission can be obtained here.


If the number of applications exceeds the number of seats available for a grade, a lottery will be conducted on April 1st. Numbers will be drawn until such time as all the available spaces are filled. The remaining numbers will be drawn and those students will be placed on a waiting list. Families will have ten days to accept their enrollment. If a family declines or fails to respond the school will offer enrollment to the next student on the waiting list. All applications received after the initial enrollment period will be accepted on a “First-Come, First-Serve” basis, after the Waiting List has been exhausted.

Enrollment Preference

Florida Statute provides that the School may give enrollment preference to certain student populations. Students will be offered admission without going through the lottery process provided their applications are received and accepted by the deadline and space is available for the appropriate grade level. Enrollment preference shall be granted to any students who:

  • are siblings of a student enrolled in the school;

  • are children of a Board member;

  • are children of an employee of the school;

  • reside within 1 mile of the school.

The Harlem Heights Community Charter School enrollment is always open and the School will accept any student who is in grades K-5 who lives in the district and qualifies for district enrollment as per district code of conduct.

Waiting List

In order to complete the registration process, the following documents must be provided to the school no later than May 1, 2024. Please stop by The Heights Center Monday-Friday between 9AM and 5PM with these documents.

  1. Photo ID – The person registering the student must have a photo ID.

  2. Child’s Birth Certificate

  3. Child’s Social Security Card – (if available)

  4. Health Examination (physical) – The exam must be dated within 12 months prior to registration.

  5. Florida Certificate of Immunization – Students must be up-to-date on immunizations:

    • Four or five doses of DTaP

    • Four or five doses of IPV

    • Two doses of MMR

    • Three doses of Hep B

    • One Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap)

    • Two doses of Varicella. Varicella vaccine is not required if there is a history of varicella disease documented by the health care provider.

  6. Proof of Custody is required if child is not living with both natural parents.

  7. Name and address of last school attended – if appropriate

  8. Copy of IEP (Individual Education Plan) if appropriate

  9. Proof of Address (Only ONE of the following documents are required)

    • Current electric bill, water bill, cable bill or land line telephone bill

    • Signed lease agreement or statement from landlord on their letterhead verifying occupancy. Leases and landlord statements may require verification. Additional documentation may be required prior to registration or change of address.

    • If you are building a house – Mortgage Acceptance Letter.

    • If you are buying a house – Settlement statement or mortgage acceptance letter

    • If living with relatives or friends – A letter from them listing your name and the names of your children, stating that you are residing at their address AND a copy of one of the documents listed above to verify their address.


STUDENT CAPACITY (SEAT AVAILABILITY) BY GRADE LEVEL AS OF January 1, 2025. Below is our student capacity/seat availability, by grade level. We are required to update this information every 12 weeks --please note that the capacity number may change during the 12-week period as family members may withdraw or new families apply.







First Grade



Second Grade



Third Grade



Fourth Grade



Fifth Grade